5 research outputs found

    Characterization of medical interns in the management of gynecological and gynecological emergencies, 2016

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    Se realiz贸 un estudio descriptivo relacionado con los proveedores al servicio de ginecobstetricia del hospital de Kimberley, Sud谩frica, con el objetivo de establecer determinantes que pudieran contribuir al desempe帽o de internos de medicina en el tratamiento a pacientes. Previa caracterizaci贸n de los internos, seg煤n universidad de procedencia y a帽o de internado, se correlacionaron estas variables con las relacionadas con la calidad en la prestaci贸n de servicios. Se identificaron como principales deficiencias ante el manejo de las pacientes el bajo nivel de conocimientos, de informaci贸n, pobre nivel de creatividad, insuficiente supervisi贸n y la no rotaci贸n previa por el servicio de ginecobstetricia. Se recomienda la reorganizaci贸n del ciclo del internado para que los estudiantes adquieran experiencias y destrezas en el manejo de las urgencias en ginecobstetricia, elaborar estrategias intervencionistas como la elaboraci贸n e implementaci贸n de gu铆as de buenas pr谩cticas cl铆nicas y la evaluaci贸n pertinente a la adherencia de estas.A descriptive study was conducted related to the providers of obstetrics and gynecology at the Kimberley Hospital, South Africa, with the aim of establishing determinants that could contribute to the performance of medical interns in the treatment of patients. Previous characterization of the interns, according to university of origin and year of internship, these variables were correlated with those related to quality in the provision of services. The low level of knowledge, information, poor level of creativity, insufficient supervision and the previous non-rotation by the obstetrics and gynecology service were identified as the main deficiencies in the management of patients. It is recommended the reorganization of the internship cycle so that students acquire experiences and skills in the management of gynecological obstetric emergencies, develop interventionist strategies such as the preparation and implementation of good clinical practice guidelines and the pertinent evaluation of adherence